
Free Downloadable Odd One Out worksheets - Homophones

Hi there! 

More odd one out exercises for your students!

This time the new worksheet is about homophones: words pronounced in the same way but differing in meaning or spelling or both.

Challenge your pupils and have fun!!!

If you're looking for more exercises, take a look at the PRINTABLES PAGE of this blog.

I design series of activities based on a communicative method that will help children to practice the grammar they're learning at school.
Many ESL activities, I see, are nothing more than 'fill in the blank' exercises that only teach kids how to fill in blanks and miss the whole point of learning to speak and understand a new language.
It's much easier and more fun to learn by doing, and you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll see valuable results. 
You can get my activities on my online store:




En el mes de julio, por las tardes, estaré disponible para clases de inglés, apoyo, repaso, preparación de exámenes oficiales (Starters, Movers, Flyers, Ket, Pet), clases para mejorar la competencia comunicativa y babysitting (juego, merienda, parque, mínimo 1 hora y media).

Clases individuales o en grupo, en la zona centro y sur de Madrid.

Para más informaciones, puedes contactar conmigo mandándo un correo a:


Free downloadable game about clothes WEAR or CARRY?

Have you spent the last 2 weeks teaching the difference between CARRY and WEAR? If your answer is Yes, this new post is for you! 

This is an activity I designed for my 6-year-old learners a couple of years ago. 

It's composed by several tiles, on each one the students had something to do to complete it. On one half they had to write the name of the article of clothing / accessory I had drawn, in the second half they had to draw the garments I had previously written.

In those days my class was composed of 15 students, so I prepared, more or less, 3 tiles for each one to complete.

I had also prepared 'Wild Tiles', the green ones you can see in the pictures, to keep the game going in case of some missing word/drawing.

Once they (had) completed the tiles we started to play in teams of 3 pupils each. When they were putting down their tile, they had to say:  "I'm wearing / carrying … " the object they were placing. Of course the rest of the kids had to check if he was right or not. 

If you don't have time to make it by yourself, you can find the photocopiable PDF of the same game plus a suitable version for children who cannot write by themselves yet (4-5-6 years old) on this link: 

Enjoy it!

I design series of activities based on a communicative method that will help children to practice the grammar they're learning at school.

Many ESL activities, I see, are nothing more than 'fill in the blank' exercises that only teach kids how to fill in blanks and miss the whole point of learning to speak and understand a new language.

It's much easier and more fun to learn by doing, and you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll see valuable results. 

You can get my activities on my online store:


CAPTAIN NO BEARD! by Carole P. Roman

Shiver me timbers!

Welcome aboard the Flying Dragon, a mighty Frigate that belongs to Captain no Beard and his hearty crew. 

There's Mongo the monkey who climbs the mast every morning to watch the horizon looking for storms, islands or big sea animals.

There's Linus the lion who's in charge of roaring the alarms.

There's Fribbit the floppy frog who can fast reach every spot of the ship whenever it  is necessary.

And, finally, there's Hallie the captain's first mate and cousin.

Together they live fantastic adventures, but also learn important lessons about friendship.

They teach each other what means to be a team and work together, even if you're the captain!

Based on a game the author Carole P. Roman used to play with her son, these books about pirates will surely inspire your children and launch them into their adventurous world of hearty pirate!

But... Look out! Being a captain is hard work!


More books for young readers:
THE LORAX by Dr Seuss

THE MOON IS COLD by Enrich Lluch

AT THE FAIR by Enrich Lluch

WITCH HAZEL by Enrich Lluch

MARY'S TOOTH by Enrich Lluch



Shapes and colors are the first subjects that a child who attends
kindergarden must assimilate.

I prepared some activities, inspired by Maria Montessori's books, that
will help our toddlers learn about circles, squares, rectangles,
diamonds, stars, hearts and triangles!

Besides the classic counting, coloring tracing and bingo activities,
they will learn how to organize the shapes according to their
dimensions and hue, and about sequences.

Finally, they'll get more conscious about the physical differences
between each shape, by making their own, using some colorful bars and

You'll find this brand new worksheet (40 pages) on my online store:

As always… Have fun!

More activities for toddlers:





Birthday celebration today! Miss Lucy's Teaching Fun is 5 years old!!!

To celebrate this milestone I'm making a special offer for all readers of this blog:

If you buy the GUESS WHAT vocabulary game, writing and speaking activity pack (to prepare the Cambridge Flyers Exam) by Wednesday May 29th, on my online store 

I'll send you 2 additional worksheets of your choice!!!

Thanks a lot for making this blog a success! 

I wouldn't be here without wonderful readers like you!

Fiesta de Cumpleaños por Miss Lucy's Teaching Fun! Hoy el blog cumple 5 años!!!

Para celebrar esta ocasión tan especial voy a hacer una súper oferta para todos los queridos lectores de este blog:

Hasta el miércoles 29 de mayo, si compras el GUESS WHAT vocabulary game, writing and speaking activity pack (para prepara en examen Flyers de Cambridge), en mi tienda online 

Te enviaré 2 fichas de actividades más, de las que tú elijas!!!

Muchísimas gracias por contribuir al éxito de este blog! 

No sería posible sin lectores tan maravillosos como tú!!!


Niños bilingües en Madrid: Meblis

Aprovecho de que en EEUU mis lectores estén celebrando 'Memorial Day' para escribir un poco en español :o)

Hace un par de semanas me fui a echar un vistazo a uno de los 'playgroups' semanales que organiza  Meblis aquí en Madrid. 

Pic: Whitney Museum of American Art

Meblis es una asociación, nacida originariamente en Roma gracias a la idea de una joven mamá española, que se propone de ayudar a las familias multiculturales en conseguir el objetivo de crecer a sus niños de manera bilingüe.

La idea se extendió a España gracias a varias otras jóvenes familias italo-españolas y, desde el año pasado, todos los fines de semana, niños y niñas acompañados por sus padres se encuentran en un espacio de Madrid con una educadora de la asociación para jugar utilizando un idioma común, diferente del castellano.

¿Playgroups? Qué son y como funcionan.

Estos Grupos de Juego que desarrolla Meblis son encuentros de 1 hora y media donde los niños siempre juntos a unos de sus padres juegan, cantan, leen cuentos y hacen manualidades 'dirigidas' por una monitora que les habla constantemente en el idioma elegido para ese grupo.

Es una hora y media muy entretenida y divertida en la que niños de 3 años y medio / 4 años aprenden un segundo idioma (principalmente él de uno de los papás, pero también hay niños que van porque sus padres quieren que aprenda ese idioma aunque no se use en casa) sin darse ni cuenta, como siempre pasa en el aprendizaje que se basa en juegos y actividades educativas lúdicas!

Los niños tiene la oportunidad de expresarse y utilizar el conocimiento que tienen de su lengua minoritaria, ganan confianza y dan un sentido al hecho de estar comunicándose en dos idiomas cada día. 

Lo que más me gustó fue el hecho de que estuvieron constantemente presentes sus papás para animarles, dirigirles y abrazarles, todo el tiempo del taller. Fue muy tierno.

El objetivo último que Meblis se propone es que el bilingüismo sea un derecho de todos. Yo asistí al 'playgroup' en italiano, porque de momento es el único activo, pero la meta es crear grupos de todos los idiomas! 

También organizan talleres para adultos sobre el bilingüismo, para despejar dudas  en los padres que hayan decidido emprender ese enriquecedor camino juntos con sus hijos.

Si deseáis organizar un grupo para disfrutar con vuestro hijo el aprendizaje de otro idioma diferente del castellano no tengais ninguna duda en poneros en contacto con la asociación!

Estarán encantados de ayudaros!

Más actividades para niños en Madrid