Showing posts with label Grammar of Fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grammar of Fantasy. Show all posts



Gianni Rodari's Grammar of Fantasy is an endless source of ideas for making up stories.

Today we'll talk about the CREATIVE MISTAKE. 

This technique makes the most of children's mistakes at writing or pronouncing words. An example of this case is in the worldwide famous fairy tale 'Cinderella', written by the French author Charles Perrault.

As we all know, Cinderella drops her glass slipper, running away from the prince's castle while the clock is striking the Midnight.

Well, it seems that originally that slipper was made of 'vaire' , a sort of fur, but for a fortunate coincidence, maybe a mistake of transcription, it was changed into 'verre', glass. Perhaps, a much more appropriate shoe material for a fairy tale.

Here some mistakes that can be inspiring for eccentric stories:

Work station ---> Working station ---> A station that works by itself while human beings spend their lives doing whatever they like

Post horse --> Posting horse ---> A horse that is in charge of taking mails and parcels to the post office could be a big surprise in big city.

Break dance --> Breaking dance ---> A cursed dance which break the bones of people who try to performance it.

Moonbeam---> Moon bean
Serial Killer --> Cereal Killer ---> Panic in the cupboard!

A bloody scream pierced the silence of the kitchen. The boxes, bags and tins woke up from their nap and gathered round to see what had happened: Quaker, their friend and comrade, was lying on the floor, his oaty guts spilled everywhere, his box smashed.

"Is he…?" said the tin of sardines in a quavery voice.
"Yes. He's dead."
Everyone was silent for a moment. Then the bottle of olive oil started to cry, oily tears rolling down his face.
"Quaker was a great guy." he said. "He was a wonderful box of oatmeal."

Life in the kitchen continued for a few days. Everyone calmed down and started to forget what had happened to Quaker. Prepackaged foods aren't known for having excellent long memories. Eventually a new box of oatmeal appeared in the cupboard. 

But late one night when everybody was asleep, there was another shout, followed by a plastic crunch. 

The food awoke to find Uncle Ben, the bag of rice, dead. He had been smashed under a sack of lemons.

The boxes, bags and tins sat around till morning talking about what happened. Was it some sort of accident? It couldn't be! First Quaker and now Uncle Ben… 

It was the jar of mustard who was the first to say what everyone was thinking… He spoke in his thick French accent, "Lediz ahnd Gentlemahn. Ah tink we hahv a… a cereal killer among ahs!"

To be continued?


We can even take into account typical pronunciation mistakes:

Sheep --> Ship --> A flock of ships?
World War 2 --> Word War 2 --> Nice words against bad words?
Beard --> Bird --> A beard's nest? Flying beards?
Boat --> Boot --> Wearing a pair of boats? A fishing boot?

Anyway… Mistakes exist because the right words exist, so the creative process of inventing stories is inspired by the relationship/contrast between them. A sort of fantastic binomial that once again allows our young writers to explore many fantastic possibilities.

So, by all means correct your students' homework but at the same time don't forget to take note of their mistakes… Potentially they might be a good source of inspiration for their next writing project!

I design series of activities based on a communicative method that will help children to practice the grammar they're learning at school.

Many ESL activities, I see, are nothing more than 'fill in the blank' exercises that only teach kids how to fill in blanks and miss the whole point of learning to speak and understand a new language.

It's much easier and more fun to learn by doing, and you'll be surprised at how quickly you'll see valuable results. 

You can get my activities on my online store:


Writing Tip nº3: THE CASUAL SYNTAX

Chapter ten of 'The Grammar of Fantasy' by Gianni Rodari talks about Dadaist and Surrealist games to look for a 'fantastic theme' that will help your class to write stories.

An easy one to set up in the classroom is the Casual Sintax.
The students, one after another, have to secretly answer these 6 questions:

question 1: WHO WAS HE/SHE/IT?

question 2: WHERE WAS HE/SHE/IT?


question 4: WHAT DID HE/SHE/IT SAY?


question 6: HOW DID THE STORY END?

The first pupil answers the question and folds the paper like an accordion. He passes the folded paper to his classmate, who will answer the second question, fold the paper again and pass it to the third one and so on until the paper accordion will reach the sixth and last student of the chain. Once he has answered the last question you can unfold the paper and read the answers following the order of the questions. It'll be hilarious and perhaps you'll find material to write a whole story.


WRITING TIP nº2 -The arbitrary prefix

Here we are, talking about how to inspire your students to write a story.
The second story-inventing game from Gianni Rodari's Grammar of Fantasy is called the arbitrary prefix.

In some way, it could be considered a variation of the Fantastic Binomial (link), and it consists of taking word and placing prefixes in front of them in order to create new inspiring concepts.

Just write down a column of prefixes and a column of words. Then try to connect each one and observe the effect on your brain. 

micro        elephant 
sub           town  
un            bomb  
e              gap  
super        bug  
semi         ghost  
non          playing  
hyper       headed 


micro       town (are there any giants around?)
sub          ghost (ghosts with fish tales?)
un           headed (an horror story?)
e             bug (a spy story?)
super       game (something like the hunger games?)
semi        bomb
non         elephant (?!?!?)
hyper      gap (double hole, double adventure)

Has any of the connections above already stimulated a brilliant idea for a story?

So, once upon a time, there were two cities that were always fighting. They were constantly busy with their war. But it was a very strange battle. They were struggling to be the best place to live in and they were using weird weapons called unbombs: very expensive devices that improved citizen's life instead of destroying it. 
So each city was spending lots and lots of money to buy these strange bombs
that brought new parks, schools and some kind of services, at every explosion.

People were very satisfied in both cities and when they met, they never stopped showing off the many improvements they got every month, 12 months a year.

Unfortunately one day the hyper-headed guy who made the brilliant unbombs started to suffer an incredibly painful headache. He couldn't do anything a part from lying in bed all day long. The doctor said that he had spent too many years thinking about how to make citizen's happy and now his head was almost blowing up, so he had to rest as much as possible.

What do you think people are going to do now? What about introducing a wicked semi-ghost to create a bit of suspense? 

As always this is only the skeleton of a possible story and not a completely developed tale. I'm sure you can make the most of this tip with your class.

Enjoy it and have fun!


WRITING TIP Nº1: The Fantastic Binomial

I've decided to present, starting from this post, a series of writing tips that you can easily use in class.

Inspired by Gianni Rodari's Grammar of Fantasy I want to spread his brilliant ideas all around the world to improve story telling and creating.

In this first post I'll be talking about the 'fantastic binomial', a simple technique I'm sure will spark many funny moments in addition to great compositions!

According to several theories the human brain elaborates concepts from opposite pairs. This means that the idea of 'soft' can't exist in our mind without thesimultaneous experience of 'hard'.

To make up a story, as well, two non related-words are necessary.
I mean, daisy and daffodils are an example of related words that will inspire a few ideas but not enough for a story.

Let's think about some examples of non-related words:

Pepper and Football
Penguin and Hot-air Balloon
Egg and Diary

Do you think they are distant enough to wake up your imagination?

Several ways exist to choose these words: pointing to them in a dictionary, letting each student  write one on a piece of paper etc.

Once you've got your two distant items you must connect them, through preposition, for instance:

The penguin on the bus
The penguin under the bus
The penguin with the bus
Are you getting inspired?
We've already got many points of departure to develop a whole story.

I'll use the Egg and the Diary

The Egg's Diary could be a good one with the Egg as main protagonist and narrator at the same time. Can you imagine?

Gemma the Egg is happily living her life on the farm when suddenly she's told by her neighbor in the egg compartment that she will be probably e part of a Spanish tortilla (omelette) the next day. Horrified by the idea Gemma decides to run away and, since she went to school at the farm, she's capable of writing about her adventures in the diary received  as a present from her mum.

A diary that, due to some lucky coincidences, is now in our possession…

Of course this is only a story idea  but it can be developed by the students: each one, in sequence, can write a chapter that will continue the previous one to create a collective classwork.

That's all for now. See you soon for the second Writing Tip.